
"Complex analysis is the good twin and real analysis the evil one: beautiful formulas and elegant theorems seem to blossom spontaneously in the \(\mathbb{C}\)-domain, while toil and pathology rule the \(\mathbb{R}\)-domain." - Charles Pugh

Remark: For creating commutative diagrams, I swear by quiver - it's an incredibly powerful tool that has revolutionized the way I work with abstract visualizations.

"The key to understanding the arithmetic of elliptic curves and their generalizations lay in the Selmer group." - Andrew Wiles

Curious about my mathematical background? You can browse through the math courses I've taken and access my notes by clicking here. Additionally, I've curated a collection of interesting random math resources, which you can find here.

On a technical note, I do all my writing in (Neo)vim (formerly VSCode) using \( \LaTeX \) (VimTeX) on Warp terminal, and preview my documents with the Zathura pdf viewer.

Below, you'll find a selection of my presentation slides and accompanying typed expository essays on various mathematical topics that fascinate me. If you happen to stumble upon any typos or errors, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email!
Expository Papers, Presentations, and Articles Links
CUMC 2023 at UofT: The algebraic view on the arithmetic of elliptic curves pdf   pptx
CUMC 2024 at UBC: An intuitive introduction to Absolute Galois groups and its Representation pdf   pptx
Chess Puzzle #1 (checkmate in two!) pdf
An essay on Iwasawa Theory, The Eichler-Selberg Trace Formula and Shimura's Algebraicity Theorem pdf
Applied Cryptography in Cybersecurity pdf
Patrick Massot's tutorial (The Lean 4 tutorial project) solutions URL
IISc Lean (vers. 4) program solutions URL
LFTCM 2024 conference (Lean 4 vers.) problem solutions URL
Natural Number Game (Lean 4 vers.) solutions URL
Mathematics in Lean (Lean 4 vers. textbook) solutions URL
On the weakly modular form of weight \(k\) pdf
Some Sieve Theory! pdf
Algebraic Elliptic Curves and Analytic Theory of Elliptic Functions pdf
Arithmetic Theory of Elliptic Curves pdf
Pendulums and Elliptic curve over \(\mathbb{F}_p\) pdf
Some fascinating prime numbers...! pdf
Understanding Diophantine equations using the Picard group over a algebraically closed field \(k\)? pdf
Fermat vs Waring: An Introduction to Number Theory in Function Fields pdf
A new perspective on the fundamental theorem of arithmetic pdf
Proof of Burnside's Theorem pdf
Classification of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups pdf
Is \(\pi\) transcendental? pdf
Simplicity of the alternating group \(A_n\) for \(n \ge 5\) pdf
Are primes really primes...? pdf
The Infamous IMO 1988 Question 6! pdf
Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem in One page! What...? pdf
MSRI Summer School: Automorphic Forms and the Langlands Program (problems) pdf
Abstract motivation behind Group Theory! pdf
Proof by Infinite descent...! pdf
Isomorphism between finite-dimensional vector spaces pdf
Elementary Outline on the Wiles idea for Frey's curve pdf
Does the Fermat's Last Theorem hold in \(F[x]\)? pdf
Solving quadratics w/o a formula! pdf
Idea behind EC isogeny based Public-Key Cryptography pdf
The Chinese Remainder Theorem! What about it? pdf
How the proof of FLT worked! pdf
A report on Wiles' Cambridge lecture (by K. Rubin and A. Silverberg) pdf
The legendary analytic function! pdf
Result that \(n^{\text{th}}\) root of a prime \(p\), is irrational pdf
Something that fascinated me! pdf
What the hell is a module? pdf
Galois what..., representations! pdf
Euler characteristics in Iwasawa theory and their congruences pdf
An Overview of the Taylor-Wiles Method pdf
Modularity of Rigid Galois Representation pdf
Arithmetic statistics and the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves pdf
Unveiling the Enchanting Elegance: A Dance of Ideas in the Natural Sciences pdf
Beauty and elegance of algebra pdf
Idea's behind theoretical computer science! pdf
Publications Links
------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully coming soon! -------------------------------------------------------------
I study and work on these two conjectures in my spare time :) (not that I have made any progress...!)

    Beal's Conjecture. Let \(A, B, C, x, y, z \in \mathbb{Z}_+\) with \(A, B, C\) pairwise coprime and \(x, y, z \ge 3\). If \(A^x + B^y = C^z\), then \(xyz \le 2\) (or \(p \mid (A, B, C)\), ie., \(A, B,\) and \(C\) have a common prime factor).

    Generalized Modularity Conjecture. Every elliptic curve over an arbitrary number field, \(E_{/K}\) is modular.

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I recently came across a fascinating paper by Edward Frenkel, a renowned Russian-American mathematician, titled "Langlands Program and Conformal Field Theory". What struck me as particularly intriguing was how the paper demonstrated that concepts from theoretical physics can be used to prove theories within the Langlands program, a connection I hadn't previously thought possible. This paper is a must-read for mathematical physicists, and those interested in learning more about the Langlands program should check out the article "Modern Mathematics and the Langlands program" by the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton. Additionally, "Langlands program and Physics" provides further insight into the ideas presented in Frenkel's paper.