Sachin Kumar

Sachin Kumar
சச்சின் குமார்


University of Waterloo

Hey! I am a BMath (honours) student double majoring in Pure mathematics and Combinatorics & Optimization at the University of Waterloo, Canada.

My primary research interests are in the field of (algebraic and analytic) number theory, (modular arithmetic) algebraic geometry, cryptography and proof formalization. Specifically, I am interested in understanding:

  • Higher dimensional Galois representations (infinite Galois theory) attached to automorphic forms and algebraic stacks over local and global fields (arithmetic Langland's program)
  • Iwasawa Theory (Theory of cyclotomic fields) and Class field theory (describing all the abelian Galois extensions of local and global fields using objects associated to the ground field)
  • Dedekind \(\zeta\) and Hecke \(L\)-functions (generalization of Riemann \(\zeta\) and Dirichlet \(L\)-functions to number field)
  • Arithmetic statistics and Bhargavology (asymptotics for number field and class groups, counting arithmetic objects, heuristics on the ranks of elliptic curves et al.)
  • Scholze's theories (perfectoid spaces, prismatic cohomology, condensed math et al.)
  • Theoretical CS (cryptology, proof formalization in L∃∀N, mathematical logic, computational number theory/algebraic geometry, computer algebra et al.)

Broadly summarizing, my mathematical interests lie in algebraic, categorical and \(p\)-adic (topological) topics, as well as combinatorial and discrete topics. I'm also involved in contributing to open-source projects that advance mathematical projects, including the Xena project on L∃∀N proof assistant. To grasp the fundamentals of cryptography, I highly recommend the course "Cryptography 101 with Alfred Menezes". Apart from core mathematics, I enjoy exploring theories in quantitative and mathematical finance, focusing on their applications in complex derivative pricing and developing algorithmic and quantitative trading strategies.

In my free time, I'm passionate about activities beyond math, including playing strategic games like chess and squash. Lately, I've developed a fascination with shogi, a Japanese variant of chess. Additionally, I'm an avid fan of anime and enjoy watching it in my spare moments.

Research Interests

  • Abstract Algebra
  • Number Theory
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Theoretical Cryptology
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Proof Formalization



  • Mathematics and Computing Building, 200 University Ave West, N2L 3G1, Waterloo, CA