
"Algebraic geometry seems to have acquired the reputation of being esoteric, exclusive, and very abstract, with adherents who are secretly plotting to take over all the rest of mathematics. In one respect this last point is accurate." - David Mumford

All my writings are done in (Neo)vim using \( \LaTeX \) (VimTeX) on iTerm2 using Zathura.

I will post notes (by spring 24') for courses, where the dedicated notes were not provided... (But here is the list of math classes I have taken and "plan to take"!)

  • MATH 135 - Algebra and Proofs (Jason Bell)
  • MATH 145 - Introduction to Number Theory (Jerry Wang) \(\leadsto\) Just audited in Fall 2023!
  • MATH 137 - Calculus I (Barbara Forrest)
  • MATH 136 - Linear Algebra I (Burcu Tuncer Karabina)
  • MATH 138 - Calculus II (Barbara Forrest)
  • MATH 235 - Linear Algebra II (Matthew Satriano)
  • MATH 247 - Calculus III Advanced (Stephen New)
  • STAT 240 - Probability (Advanced)
  • STAT 241 - Statistics (Advanced)
  • MATH 249 - Combinatorics (Advanced)
  • CO 250 - Optimization (David Jao)

Department of Pure Mathematics

Undergraduate Courses

  • PMATH 340 - Elementary Number Theory (Wentang Kuo)
  • PMATH 347/348 - Groups, Rings Fields and Galois Theory (Yu-Ru Liu)
  • PMATH 351 - Real Analysis
  • PMATH 352 - Complex Analysis
  • PMATH 365 - Differential Manifolds (Ruxandra Moraru)
  • PMATH 367 - Topology
  • PMATH 370 - Chaos and Fractals (Blake Madill)

Advanced Undergraduate/Early Graduate Courses

  • PMATH 440/740 - Analytic Number Theory (Yu-Ru Liu)
  • PMATH 441/741 - Algebraic Number Theory (David McKinnon)
  • PMATH 445/745 - Representation of Finite Groups (Ben Webster)
  • PMATH 446/646 - Commutative Algebra
  • PMATH 450/650 - Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Analysis
  • PMATH 464/764 - Algebraic Geometry
  • PMATH 467/667 - Algebraic Topology

Graduate Courses

Department of Combinatorics and Optimization

Undergraduate Courses

  • CO 330 - Combinatorial Enumeration
  • CO 331 - Algebraic Coding Theory (Alfred Menezes)
  • CO 342 - Graph Theory
  • CO 351 - Network Flow Theory

Advanced Undergraduate/Early Graduate Courses

Graduate Courses

  • CO 739 - Topics in Combinatorics [Proof Formalization] (Peter Nelson)