Sachin Kumar

Sachin Kumar
சச்சின் குமார்


University of Waterloo

Hey! I am a BMath (honours) student double majoring in Pure mathematics and Combinatorics & Optimization at the University of Waterloo, Canada.

My primary research interests are in the field of (algebraic and analytic) number theory, (modular arithmetic) algebraic geometry, cryptography and proof formalization. Specifically, I am interested in understanding:

  • Higher dimensional Galois representations (infinite Galois theory) attached to automorphic forms and algebraic stacks over local and global fields (arithmetic Langland's program)
  • Iwasawa Theory (Theory of cyclotomic fields) and Class field theory (describing all the abelian Galois extensions of local and global fields using objects associated to the ground field)
  • Dedekind \(\zeta\) and Hecke \(L\)-functions (generalization of Riemann \(\zeta\) and Dirichlet \(L\)-functions to number field)
  • Arithmetic statistics and Bhargavology (asymptotics for number field and class groups, counting arithmetic objects, heuristics on the ranks of elliptic curves et al.)
  • Scholze's theories (perfectoid spaces, prismatic cohomology, condensed math et al.)
  • Theoretical CS (cryptology, proof formalization in L∃∀N, mathematical logic, computational number theory/algebraic geometry, computer algebra et al.)

Broadly summarizing, my mathematical interests lie in algebraic, categorical and \(p\)-adic (topological) topics, as well as combinatorial and discrete topics. I'm also involved in contributing to open-source projects that advance mathematical projects, including the Xena project on L∃∀N proof assistant.

In my free time, I'm passionate about activities beyond math, including playing strategic games like chess and squash. Lately, I've developed a fascination with shogi, a Japanese variant of chess. Additionally, I'm an avid fan of anime and enjoy watching it in my spare moments.

Research Interests

  • Abstract Algebra
  • Number Theory
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Theoretical Cryptology
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Proof Formalization



  • Mathematics and Computing Building, 200 University Ave West, N2L 3G1, Waterloo, CA